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Interpretive Center
The Museo Cultural Center

(architectural rendering)

Why does the Museo need an
Cultural Center?

Space in the Museo del las Tres Colonias is limited; the rooms are as they were when they were built -- tiny! An Cultural Center will provide needed space for visitors to learn more about the Hispanic way of life as well as serve as an activity center for the community.

An Cultural Center will allow volunteers to lead activities that relate to life in the tres colonias as well as to explain the work involved with the work involved with the sugar-beet industry. Segments of the 57-minute oral history VIDEO "Memories del las Tres Colonias," will be played to visitors to provide orientation before touring the Museo.

The center will feature additional exhibits that interpret the history and contributions of the Hispanic community. It will provide a gathering place to learn about contemporary Hispanic culture, hold community celebrations and stage educational programming.


Click to download our

Museo Brochure.

Click to download our
Comprehensive Interpretive Plan.

The Cultural Center is in the planning stages. 

It will support the mission of the Museo:

  • Educate regarding the contributions of Hispanic families to the Fort Collins community, including that of the sugar-beet industry.

  • Celebrate the community culture.

  • Promote tolerance, mutual understanding, and social justice.  


Our Guests will be members of the Tres Colonias community, citizens of Fort Collins, northern Colorado and Denver, school children K-12, students at Colorado State University and Front Range Community College, and tour groups interested in local, regional and state history and social justice issues.

To schedule a tour, please go to EVENTS.





José De Onís es-farma ESPANOL

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425 10th Street, Fort Collins, CO 80524